- 場所の表現◎Expression of Place◎在地性的表現
- 住居とは何だろう? 学校とは? 道とは?◎What is a House? What is a School? What is a Road? ◎何謂住家? 何謂學校? 何謂道路?
- 多様性◎Diversity◎多樣性
- 五感に訴える◎Sensory World◎訴諸五官感受
- 自然を受けとめ、自然を楽しむ◎Enhancing and Enjoying Nature◎接受自然、享受自然
- あいまいもこ◎Aimaimoko◎曖昧模糊
- 自力建設◎Exertive Building◎自力建設
1 場所の表現
1 Expression of Place
It is our desire that the architecture reflect the place of where it stands. We attempt to express the identity of the area or region in what we design. We walk around the village, survey the landscape, observe how people are living and investigate the local history. In this way we eventually uncover clues or keys for expressing the locality in our designs.
1 在地性的表現

2 住居とは何だろう? 学校とは? 道とは?
2 What is a House? What is a School? What is a Road?
We observe the basic living process of a community, a school or a family, and try to find the fundamental demands for the architecture they plan to build. At times, the client or community is not fully aware of their own wants or needs. It becomes a part of our work to think with them and to propose a plan for their new way of life. Our objective is to create spaces that answer the current demands of the client and community, while providing new opportunities to broaden the horizons of life.
2 何謂住家? 何謂學校? 何謂道路?

3 多様性
3 Diversity
Architecture is an opportunity for various people to meet. Spaces affect how people make contact. Integrating spatial diversity into the structures, provides a variety of environments where people can interact. By communicating diversity in form, materials and scale, we seek to develop in people using the architecture a sense of recognition and peace.
3 多樣性

4 五感に訴える
4 Sensory World
We design an environment to inspire an emotional response from the people. Upon entering our structures, people should experience some slight shock or stimulation of their five senses in order to alert them to the character of the space and its connection with the outside world. The textures of materials and the forms we use within the space often represent the natural elements on the outside. Wind and water, sunlight and starlight, or a distant mountain view, are transmitted into the space in a very direct way. We utilize the organization of the space to activate the kinetic sense and impart the experience of time in a way that a homogeneous environment cannot. We feel strongly that the architecturally defined space should be a sensory experience.
4 訴諸五官感受

5 自然を受けとめ、自然を楽しむ
建築は、自然の影響をかなりの程度コントロールすることができます。気候を楽しむためには、厳しい暑さや寒さや、湿気を和らげるための工夫が必要となります。深い庇、土に覆われた屋根、風の道、防風林、パーゴラ、木陰などは、私たちがよく用いる装置です。 デザインの過程でもっとも重要なことは、建築と自然環境との調和を図ることです。建物の中で暑さや寒さを感じたり、季節の移り変りを感じたりできることは、大切な要素です。自然と共に暮らしてきた永い時間の中で、人間の身体は体内で時間の流れを感じるように進化してきました。私たちは、体内時計のリズムを守りながら、季節の移ろいに対する感受性を高めるような空間をデザインしたいのです。
5 Enhancing and Enjoying Nature
The structure and the space it defines impose a degree of control on the climate. To enjoy the climate there should be devices to soften the severe elements of heat, cold and humidity. Deep eaves, earth-covered roofs, wind passages and air-wells are some of the softening devices we employ. The imperative of our design process is to search for balance between a mechanically controlled environment and nature in architecture. Feeling hot or cold and being able to mark the changes of seasons within the structure is an important factor. From eons of living with nature, our bodies have evolved an internal awareness of the march of time. We want to design spaces that enhance our sensitivity to the events of the seasons, keeping the rhythm of our internal clock.
5 接受自然、享受自然

6 あいまいもこ
あいまいもこは、限定されないで、どっちつかずで、はっきりしないことです。 建築か庭か街か、内部空間か外部空間か、建物か衣服か、遊びか仕事か、今か昔か未来か、完成か未完成か、株序があるのかないのか、部分か全体か、本気か冗談か、生徒か先生か、誰がデザインしたのか、…… 私たちはこのようなことがらについて、あいまいもこな世界に住み続けていきたいのです。
6 Aimaimoko
‘Aimaimoko’is the state of being unlimited and ambiguous, taking no positions for this or that side. Architecture, town or garden, interior or exterior spaces, buildings or clothes, play or work, yesterday today or tomorrow, finished or unfinished, disciplined or undisciplined, part or whole, serious or silly, teacher or student-who designs, who makes things? We want all these and many more things to be ambiguous, to stay alive in the aimaimoko world.
6 曖昧模糊
曖昧模糊指的是不受拘束、模稜兩可、沒有明確歸屬的意思。 有點像建築有點像庭院也有點像街道、不知是室內空間還是室外空間、究竟是建築化的衣物還是衣物化的建築、是遊戲還是工作、分不清是現在過去還是未來、看似完成又似未完成、井然有序亦或混亂失序、是部分還是全體、半正經半玩笑、誰是學生誰是老師、誰才是設計這些的人……?我們希望跟從這樣的事物,持續活在曖昧模糊的世界裡。

7 自力建設
自力建設とは、単に具体的な建設を指すのではありません。自らの地域を、自らの手でつくり上げてゆく哲学です。近代の制度を超え、地域を超える生命の叫びです。方法論を場所にもち込むのではなく、場所がもつ初源的な力を発見し、それらを収斂させることなのです。 機械よりは多くの雑多な人々、知識よりは知恵、速さよりは持続力、理性よりは情熱、狂気、妥当よりは過剰、規範よりは埓外のものごと、結論よりは終わりのない問いかけ、形姿に求められるものは魔力。 最後に、空間の緑化がもっとも大切です。
7 Exertive Building
“Exertive Building”-or the act of building with one’s own exertion-does not merely means building something concrete by oneself. It is our philosophy to create autonomously one’s or our own place. It is not to impose certain methodology on a given place; rather it is to descover and let converge the primordial forces of the place. We favor:
a bunch of people rather than machines; human wisdom rather than knowledge; continuity rather than speed; passion and zeal rather than reason; excessiveness rather than adequacy; extranorm rather than the norm; endless questions rather than a conclusion. Exertive building is life’s outcry, which transcends modern institutions and regional boundaries. In such an effort we seek to imbue forms and appearances with magical power. Finally, the greening of the space is most important.
7 自力建設